Saturday, 21 July 2012

China, Russia Vetoed UN Resolution : Situation intensified in Syria

Russia and China vetoed on the UN Security Council resolution on Syria on 19 July 2012.Though Russia and China vetoed it, India was amongst the eleven countries that voted in favour with Pakistan and South Africa abstaining.
The resolution against which Russia and China vetoed, could have brought new sanctions against President Bashar Al Assad's regime. This is the third time in a tenure of nine months that Russia and China used their powers as permanent members of the UN Security Council to block resolutions on Syria.The resolution also would have imposed economic sanctions on the Syrian government under Chapter seven of the United Nations Charter.
United States reaction on the Veto
The Obama Administration was grossly against the decision of Russia and China to veto the UN Security Council resolution on Syria,  and tagged the countries stating that, they are on the wrong side of history.
However, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, stated that the end game of the Assad regime has just begin.
U.S also stated that the Security Council has failed miserably on Syria and it would now work outside of the council to confront Assad's regime.
Present Situation in Syria
The situation in Syria is very vulnerable at the moment , post the killing of the Defence Minister and the Deputy Defence Minister. The Syrian army has given the residents a tenure of forty eight hours to leave the areas of the capital, where clashes are taking place between security forces and rebels.
he medical and humanitarian situation in Damarcus is getting worst from worse. As per the observatory figures, huge number of hundred and seven people were killed in violence on 19 July 2012. The Security Council vote has now left the future of a 300-member United Nations mission in Syria to monitor the peace plan in jeopardy.
What is the Veto Power?
A veto is a power excercised to stop an official action, not to adopt them. The veto therefore conveys to its holder an ability to protect the status quo.
Amongst the permanent members, China, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and the United States of America can block any resolution to pass.

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